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White Mike

White Mike

Outward appearance

He is thin and pale like smoke.
He wears jeans, a hooded sweatshirt and a dark blue Brooks Brothers overcoat that hangs long on him.
He has blond, nearly white, hair which is dropped tight around his head.

His past

He is clean, he never had the urge to do drugs.  p.5. l.8 / p.74 l.5

He has never smoked a cigarette, never had a drink and never had sucked down a doobie. p.5 l.9
But he has become a very good  drug dealer. p.5 l.10


He was a good student, but he's been out of school for six months.
Mike was a classmate from Hunter in primary school.

Grade 11

English: 97
Mike has been an active participant in the discussions of King Lear and is always thoughtful and inquisitive in class. He wrote a remarkably original and thoroughly documented term paper on the difficult topic of "Nietzschean Existentialism," as he called it; though, as with the rest of his work, it did not seem to be very satisfying to him.

Latin: 98
A truly dedicated student. Mike's translations continue to be written with a passion and interest uncommon in students his age. He could be more forgiving to his classmates, however. He is, at times, extremely impatient.

Mathematics: 98
Although Mike is fine student, he is clearly uninterested in mathematics.

Science: 69
Mike is clearly  a bright young man, but he simply does not do the work. While all of his test scores are in the 90s, without completion of the lab reports it is impossible for me to give him a grade above merely pass.

History: 96
Mike wrote a superb term paper, beautifully researched and highly informative. What he needs to learn is the giving-and-take of discussion.


He is looking at the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It is two days after Christmas and all the kids are home from boarding school and everyone has money to blow.

When White Mike sells the drug "twelve" he is not alone. Mostly Lionel comes with White Mike. Lionel protects him.

Jessica was the first person in the book who takes the drug "twelve". First time she had to save it for a boy, but she used it for her own. Later she ask white mike after this drug and bought it.